Having a Home and Auto Insurance is such good help. When you bundle your insurance policies Nationwide, you’ll experience several benefits, including saving on the coverage you need, fewer insurance hassles, flexible options if you need to make any changes, and good customer service from top international agents. But eventually, for some reason, you will decide to move and there is a lot to think about when you’re moving house. Moving to a new city or a new location can be life-changing. But before you choose to relocate, you would need to be sure you’re relocating for the right intentions. Of course, you should think about your house and auto insurance and ask what will happen if you somehow move to another location or state.
Some of us move because an important change occurs in our lives. All of those changes are considered by your Insurance Company to calculate the risk of your Insurance Premium based on many variables, some of which change when you move. Regardless of fluctuating rates, you must be well covered for your new life in a different city. Your new location comes with its uniqueness that will impact your Insurance. Again, insurance companies also work by assessing risks applicable to you and your car. Thus, you must notify your insurer when moving. It is important to learn about your new insurance policy covers. Do not assume that your coverage will stay the same while staying at the same insurance company. Different states have different auto and home insurance laws and minimums. Should you be moving to a suburban home, you would definitely need more protection that you used to have at a city apartment Even moving within the same neighborhood could make a difference. The common variables impacting your premium based on your new location are:
- Age of area
- Crime rates
- Traffic patterns
- If near bodies of water
- Regulatory differences
- Environmental considerations
Of course, the coverage of your home and auto insurance will also be different. In short, renters insurance covers your personal effects and belongings. Still, the homeowner’s insurance also covers the actual structure that you own. Overall your location and your type of home are the two important things that will impact your insurance premium when moving to another location. Ensure you have the appropriate coverage by letting your insurer know that you will be moving and why. Below are suggestions that you can consider moving and didn’t know what to do about your insurance:
If you somehow own a building and contents insurance at your current location you might be able to transfer the cover to your new home. But you’ll need to verify with your insurance company first and you may face a charge for amending your policy.
As insurance premiums vary from state to state and property type, it would be best to inform your provider about your new address and the details of your home in the soonest possible time. This is to allow them to recalculate your new premiums. If you’re buying new appliances to your home, consider taking a look at the sum you’re insured for under your home contents as this could push the value up. You might not
move in right away, so your old and new property need to be this duration. A lot of insurance carriers will cover the property you’re moving from till you are done moving into the new one. But to be sure, you need to check this with your insurer. You can cancel the transfer of your cover if the sale of your new home drops.
On the other hand, moving houses could be a good time to check that you’re getting the best deal on your home insurance. Your insurance provider might have made a good deal on your previous home insurance but this may not be as good of a deal for your new home, so it’s worth looking around.
If you do find a more competitive deal, you could cancel your home and auto insurance then apply for a new one. Keep in mind that if you still have time left on your previous insurance policy, you might have to deal with a cancellation fee for canceling in the middle of the term. You should consider that cost when looking at deals, since it may not be worth it.
Also when you’re moving, you likely have a lot of belongings that are going with you to your new home. You may be wondering, does your home insurance protect your things if something happens to them during the move? The answer is, not necessarily. While homeowners insurance generally does help cover your personal belongings, the loss has to be related to a peril that’s included in your policy.
Covered risks commonly include perils like fire and theft. So, if there’s theft out of the moving truck, you may find that home insurance helps cover the loss.
Your insurance policy may provide coverage for belongings damaged during a move in certain situations. For example, if the moving van got involved in an accident while moving your stuff and are damaged, you’d be covered by your policy. There may be a time that you may notice or realize that your limits are a bit lower than the value of the belongings during a move. There is also moving insurance if you are worried about your belongings while moving. Movers usually offer a kind of valuation to their customers to ensure safety and in case of an accident or whatever mishap. Most reputable moving companies will offer these coverage options for local and intrastate moves too such as Released value protection and Full value protection. One of the most basic coverage options that moving companies offer is Released Value.
Though moving companies won’t charge you for released value protection, the consumer still has to ask for, and contractually agree, to the coverage while Full value protection is your other option for protecting your belongings and this coverage is far more comprehensive than released value, but you must pay a premium upfront. Plus some full value protection policies have deductibles. With some limitations, selecting full value protections means that your moving company is liable for the full replacement value of the goods they are transporting. As the consumer, you should declare what you know your goods are worth, and then pay a premium for the amount of coverage. In conclusion, moving insurance is capable of repairing the item, replace the good with an item of comparable value or make a payout for the cost of repair or the current market value of the item
And when it comes to your auto insurance company will consider changes in traffic patterns, weather patterns, and assess the risks of where the car is parked or kept and if your new home takes a longer commute that could also increase your rate. Once you’ve officially moved, you should register your car or whatever type of vehicle in your new state. Along with this, you would also need to update your insurance within your new state’s time frame. You may be able
to stay with the same insurance company if the company offers coverage in your new location. However, you will need to go through a full rewrite of your policy.
Try contacting your agent a month or two before your move so that you can learn what type of coverage your current policy may provide for your moving, go over your change of address, and evaluate your options and coverage limits for your new home. It’s also an opportunity to go over any expected changes to your premiums with the new home. Talking with your agent well in advance of your move is an opportunity to make sure that you have all the coverage you want when you move to your new home. Then, with the protection you need solidly in place, you can focus on getting settled in your new home and enjoying the days ahead. You might start thinking about your auto and home insurance policies at least a couple of months from moving. The last thing you want is to have a gap in your coverage or miss the registration deadline.
Last but definitely now the least, speaking with your insurance agent ahead of your move is a great way to ensure that you have the right coverage you need when you actually move to your new home because your agent can help answer any questions about your specific policy. Then, with the protection you need solidly in your home and auto, you can focus on getting settled in your new surroundings.
Every state has its differences regarding its regulations that are related to insurance policies, you may check your insurance agent in Denver, CO, or any other state. If you need help or clarifications regarding the information above, connect with us right now. Feel free to call us toll-free at 1(720) 221-8168 or chat with us right away.