Safety Considerations for 15-passenger Vans

Jan 2, 2024 | Business Insurance

Many businesses and organizations own and operate 15-person vans. Other organizations, such as schools, colleges, vanpools, and churches, rent vans from time to time to transport groups of employees or others to functions and events.

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While 15-passenger vans are useful, drivers and passengers must exercise caution to reduce the risks associated with these vehicles. According to National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) research, 15-passenger vans have a rollover risk that increases dramatically as the number of occupants increases from five to ten. In fact, 15-passenger vans with 10 or more occupants had nearly three times the rollover rate in single vehicle crashes as those with fewer than five occupants.

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The NHTSA suggests the following:

Drivers require that all passengers wear safety belts at all times.

The trained drivers have extensive experience.

Check the tire pressure at least once a week using the manufacturer’s recommended levels.

There are no loads on the vehicle’s roof.

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Handling Characteristics

When users load these vans with passengers and cargo, the center of gravity shifts rearward, which increases the vertical load on the rear tires. Loading cargo onto the vans’ roofs exacerbates this situation.

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These factors combine to cause stability issues, especially when drivers make sudden and severe steering movements in response to unexpected traffic situations, or when they inadvertently drop wheels off the road and attempt to recover.

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According to NHTSA research, the handling characteristics of a lightly loaded 15-passenger van and a fully loaded van are significantly different. The handling characteristics of these vehicles change depending on the load during extreme manoeuvres. A fully loaded van is inherently less stable than one that is empty.

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Wheelchair lifts and raised roofs exacerbate the problem by adding weight to one side of the chassis and raising the centre of gravity. Vans with wheelchair lifts should have heavy-duty suspensions, anti-sway bars, and heavy-duty tires, if available.

When calculating the gross vehicle weight, it is important to include wheelchairs, especially those powered by batteries, in the total weight that the vehicle carries.

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Seatbelts Reduce Fatalities Significantly

Between 2003 and 2007, about 68 percent of occupants in 15-passenger vans involved in fatal crashes did not wear restraints, compared to passenger vehicle occupants involved in similar crashes, where approximately 55 percent were also not wearing restraints. In the same period, restrained survivors outnumbered unrestrained ones by about two to one.

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Organizations Issue Warnings About Rollover Risks

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) both warn of the rollover hazards that 15-passenger vans pose.

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Spares: All tires deteriorate with age, including unused tires. Use a new spare rather than an old one. Used vans may have dangerous spare tires that are several years old. According to the NHTSA, tires that are at least five years old are not completely safe. Determine the age of a tire by looking for its tire identification number on the sidewall. The last four digits indicate the tire’s production week and year (for example, 1010 means March 2010). Encourage drivers to double-check the spare tire before each trip.

The following factors contribute to more rollovers in SUVs than in other vehicles:

A strong centre of gravity

Flat sides contribute to crosswind instabilities.

The structural integrity is not intended for heavy cargo use.

Inadequate weight distribution

When driving 15-passenger vans, keep this in mind.

If your institution continues to allow the vans to be used, the NHTSA recommends that you investigate:

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Driver experience:

Due to the complexity and risks associated with driving these vans, states require experienced, licensed drivers who regularly operate this type of vehicle. Some states mandate a commercial driver’s license.

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Driver concentration and rest:

To encourage driver concentration, authorities prohibit cell phone use while driving, discourage conversation with other passengers, and limit driving time per day.

Speed: These vans require more braking time and cannot handle sharp turns as well as cars. As a result, drivers should adhere to the posted speed limit. Consider making drivers responsible for speeding ticket fines.

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In a single-vehicle crash, an occupant of a 15-passenger van who does not wear a seat belt is roughly four times more likely to die than an occupant who wears one. Authorities should mandate seat belts for all van occupants and reinforce this requirement with signs inside the van.

Also, inspect seat belts on a regular basis and replace any that are missing, broken, or damaged.

Tire pressure: Remind drivers to inspect their tires and check their tire pressure before each use. Keep in mind that the recommended tire pressure for the front and back tires may differ. Tires that are excessively worn or underinflated can cause drivers to lose control and roll over.

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Program for Fleet Safety

To facilitate the training of all drivers operating 15-passenger vans, experts recommend implementing a fleet safety program. Take a proactive stance. At the very least, your program should cover the following topics:

  • Company policy on safe driving
  • Utilization of electronic devices
  • Drug and alcohol policy
  • Seatbelts
  • Driver qualification and criminal background checks
  • Driver education, including the hazards of 15-passenger vans
  • Monitoring and rewarding safe driving habits
  • Written driver contracts
  • Reporting an accident
  • Vehicle inspection and upkeep

All aspects of your fleet safety program should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

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