Tips for Traveling with your Pets

Nov 25, 2022 | Affiliates

Pet Travel Essentials

Are you a pet owner who loves road travel with your pets? With the increasing trend of people traveling with pets, how do you ensure their safety? Most car designs are suitable for people, thus, making it hard to ensure the safety of our pet passengers. Auto safety policy does not consider pets as passengers. So, how do you guarantee the protection of your pets during accidents? What pet travel essentials should a fur parent consider? Read on as we provide tips for traveling with your pets!

There are approximately 85 million families who own a pet in the United States. 67% of US households own a pet and the majority of their own dogs and cats. People consider pets as family. They are usually included in family events and activities. Consider pets your regular passengers as they are often included in day-to-day activities.

Safe Driving with your Pets

Ensuring the safety of your pets when traveling is a bit tricky. Most vehicles are not tailor-made for pets. It takes lots of travel precautions and safety measures to make sure traveling with your pets will be safe, secure, and comfortable. Pet owners need to develop pet safety travel habits to ensure car safety while traveling. Pet parents usually bring pets for vet appointments, errands, or park visits. Whether short or long drives, pet safety should always be a priority.

Traveling with your pets for a long hour drive takes a lot of time and preparation. Pre-travel preparation can contribute to the success of your most-awaited vacation or move. You can avoid possible discomforts and dangers when traveling by early planning and preparation. Follow these travel safety tips for hassle-free travel with your family and pets.

Pet Travel Safety Tips:

  1. Register and microchip your pets. There’s an increased chance of losing your pets when you are traveling. Registered and microchipped pets are easier and faster to locate when lost or stolen.
  2. For cross-state travels, it is good to have an updated picture of your dog or cat in case your pet gets lost or stolen. When worse comes to worst, an updated picture of your pet will help in locating your lost pet. 
  3. Make sure pets are in good health condition before you start packing for your trip. It is advisable to visit a vet for a pre-trip check-up. This will avoid emergency health problems that will cut your trip short.
  4. Travel sickness can affect animals too. Vets recommend restricting the pet’s vision to avoid travel sickness. Avoid or limit feeding before traveling to prevent an upset stomach. If this trick doesn’t work, it’s best to consult a vet for an anti-sickness medicine.
  5. For cross-state trips, make sure to check the rules and requirements of your target state destination. Some states have health, vaccination, and quarantine requirements. Verify the necessary information about animal state rules and regulations on their website.
  6. Distracted driving is one of the common causes of vehicular accidents. Keeping your pet on your lap can cause distraction when driving. Furthermore, pets sitting on the driver’s lap are more prone to injury in case of an accident. Unrestrained dogs and cats pose a risk for injuries and accidents.

More Tips…

  1. The use of a safety vest harness is an emerging trend as it provides safety and comfort to pets. Attaching a strap to the seat belt system provides safety in case of an accident. Remember, a seatbelt reduces the impact of car crashes. A restrained pet can lessen the risk of distracted driving.
  2. In case your dog prefers moving around the car while traveling, it is best to install dog guards. This is to ensure safety and prevent distractions from driving.
  3. Never leave your pet inside the car unattended, especially in hot weather. The temperature inside the vehicle can get high in summer. Furry pets are prone to heatstroke during hot weather. 
  4.  Always bring water for your pet to keep them hydrated especially in hot weather. For convenience and functionality, go for a collapsible and spill-proof water bottle.
  5. Always have a first-aid kit ready in your car. Many people bring their dogs for a visit to a park or hiking. These kinds of activities pose risks for accidents. You want to be always ready in case your pets get injured.

Pet first-aid kit should include the following:

  1. Gauze
  2. Non-stick bandages
  3. Adhesive tape
  4. Cotton balls
  5. Hydrogen Peroxide
  6. Antibiotic Spray or Ointment
  7. Milk of Magnesia
  8. Digital Thermometer
  9. Medicine Pillbox
  10. Scissors
  11. Tweezers
  12. Magnifying Glass
  13. Syringe
  14. Flashlight
  15. Towel
  16. Soft Muzzle 
  17. Leash and Collar
  18. Travel Bowls

More Tips for Pet Travel Safety

  1. Use a durable floor mat and liners to protect your car carpets from accidental spills and stains. A durable floor mat can save you from cleaning nightmares. It will protect your car carpets from water, food, pee, or mud stains.
  2. Never allow your pets to stick their head out of the window. As much as your dogs enjoy peeking out from the window, this may endanger their life. The dangers of falling out of the window are lurking out and waiting to happen. 
  3. It is important to secure rear windows and door locks. Furry pets can be a bit of a genius and may know how to unlock them. Activate the child lock to prevent pets from unlocking doors and windows. After all, we treat our pets as our children.
  4. Train pets for long-haul rides. If you are planning for a long ride, it is advisable to acclimate pets. Start with a few test rides before going on a long ride.
  5. Place pets in a well-ventilated crate or carrier while traveling. Placing them in crates or carriers reduces travel anxiety. It also provides a shield of protection in case of an accident.
  6. Bring some valuable travel stuff to make sure pets are comfortable while traveling. Pet toys, blankets, and treats can ease travel anxiety and make them feel comfortable.

Pet Insurance

With or without pets, it is advisable to take a few stops during long-haul drives. It is important to provide rest and bathroom breaks for you and your pet. Drivers need adequate rest to make sure to stay alert and focused when driving.

If you have the financial capacity, opt for a car tailored to fit pets. Car manufacturing companies like Subaru and Volvo produce special pet car accessories. This is to accommodate the safety needs of pet passengers. They released various vehicular accessories like pet harnesses, straps, ramps, and rear seat covers. They tailored these accessories to fit your dogs and cats. This is more cost-effective and time-saving as you don’t have to look for pet accessory products separately. These pet accessories can be under financing and covered by a warranty.

Get pet insurance. When all else fails, personal pet insurance will cover your pets. This is the most effective way to protect your pets from accidents. Part of being a responsible fur parent is to provide adequate protection to our pets. After all, pets are family. Pet insurance does not only protect your pets but also protects you. Accidents and vet treatments could cost thousands of dollars. Pet insurance will ensure your pets will get the best medical treatment without breaking your bank account.

Advantages of Pet Insurance

  1. Choice of vet
  2. Coverage for all breeds and ages
  3. Affordable pet care cost
  4. Accessibility and options for medical treatment
  5. Protect you from sudden medical expenses

Types of Pet Insurance

There are several types of pet insurance coverage you can get for your pet. You can choose the insurance coverage based on your financial and protection needs. Aside from securing a pet accident policy for your pets, it is advisable to get illness coverage for health problems and vet treatments. Like kids, pets do get sick too. Having pet insurance with illness coverage will help you with the medical treatment expenses when your pet gets sick. 

Pet Insurance Coverage

Like humans, pets can suffer from accidents and illnesses too. For pet protection, it is advisable to enroll your pets in a pet insurance program that covers the following:

  1. Accidents and Injury
  2. Serious and Common Illnesses 
  3. Hospitalization
  4. Emergency vet visits
  5. Surgery 
  6. Dental Illnesses
  7. Holistic and Alternative Treatments

To ensure complete protection for your pets, you can avail of preventive care add-ons. These may be optional but highly suggested add-ons. It is more cost-effective to get pet insurance coverage that will meet the medical needs of your pets. 

Here is the optional preventive care you can add on:

  1. Vaccination
  2. Annual physical examinations 
  3. Flea Prevention
  4. Wellness exams

Choose an insurance company that offers affordable comprehensive coverage and preventive care add-ons. Safeco by Hartville is one of the best pet insurance providers in Denver, Colorado. They offer an affordable pet insurance plan that covers emergency services, accidents, and illnesses. On top of that, they charge a low amount for extra preventive care benefits. 

Pets give us unwavering loyalty, companionship, unconditional love, and support. In return, let’s strive hard to give them the love and protection they deserve. Driving will be much more relaxing when all your passengers are secured including your furry pets.

You might also want to avail this tutorial on how to stop your pet’s behavioral problems.

We’re here for you and your pets

Our team of insurance experts gives the utmost value to the relationship we build with our clients. It is our mission to provide affordable and customized insurance coverage. We ensure tailor-made coverages to provide maximized protection and value for money.

Insurance Shouldn’t Be Intimidating.

We’ve got experts in Denver, CO for you to call or text today at (720) 221-816.

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